Sunday, August 19, 2007

Here Are the Adventures with Stan

Hey, everyone who's here knows exactly who Stan is and why this blog was created. Especially those of you who endured him during the summer.

First and foremost, one of the more ridiculous Stan moments:

We're given a ridiculously good rate on housing through our company. After watching fellow workers struggle through housing and getting furnished, it becomes almost readily apparent that me and Stan have almost zero expenses due to housing. Everything comes with our housing and we didn't even have to look for it. Leave it to Stan to ask if meals are included with the small fee we do pay.

Just now, Stan asked what kind of car I had. Basically, the rest of the conversation went with him implying that I would be doing the driving all the time, since I drive an SUV capable of going through snow, he would just drive a small car that didn't have to move. If he brought a car. He left a subtler implication that I would have to take care of him on weekends.

Life will be fantastic.

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