Thursday, October 4, 2007

Holding a Conversation

Stan: "So how are your projects going?"
Me: "Oh, they're going ok."
Stan: "How many do you have?"
Me: "4."
Stan: "Yeah, I have 6."
Me: "Yeah, I've been trying to get more, but my leadership has all been busy."
Stan then proceeded to talk non stop for five minutes, and then left.

I do believe...that when you start a conversation with shouldn't be the only party in the conversation.

Also, he compared the ranks of our bosses.  Which, to me, matters for shit.  And I think it honestly should matter for shit since whatever level our bosses are doesn't really determine the work we get or how well we do it, but hey, Stan likes to compete.

Lastly, his brilliant idea to fix a problem on a machine was to burn the excess dust that was formed.  Right at the machine.  Sounded like he wanted to burn the crap IN the machine.  We work in a paper factory.  That is the most I will say about our jobs.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder what goes on in his brain...

Anonymous said...
