Wednesday, November 14, 2007


1.  I was going to the bathroom to take a shower when I decided to go check on my laundry in the dryer first.  You know, to see if it was dry or how much time was left in the cycle.  Imagine my surprise when I hear the dryer stop rotating and the door wide open.  With Stan elbows deep into the dryer.

Me: "WHOA, WHAT are you doing?!?!"

Now it's not like he was even doing laundry.  The washer was totally empty and he had no clothes with him.  He was litterally just going through my clothes in the dryer.

Stan: "I saw a bottle of bleach sitting on the washer and I was worried that you used it."
Me: "........."
Stan: "Sorry."
Me: "Stan, for the last time, I'm not retarded, and that's not my bleach."
Stan: "Ok, I just wanted to check."
Me: "Can you not touch my stuff?  Ever?  It isn't yours."
Stan: *very defensive* "I was checking to see if you used bleach!"
Me: "They're not your clothes!  I don't appreciate you just rifling through my clothes!"
Stan: *defensive* "Fine, I better just get some sleep."

2.  Stan: "Can you deal with these apples?"
Me: "Can you take the trash out?"
Stan: "I'll do it tomorrow as it's dark and rainy out."

No.  No, it wasn't.  Dark, yes.  But it had finished raining hours ago.  The ground was just wet.  How do I know this?  Because I went and got stuff out of my car right when he got home.

3.  Stan: "My heater or something is acting up, so I'm going to go try to get it looked at or fixed."
Me: "Great."
Stan: "Yeah, but I guess I have to go to a Honda dealership to keep it under warranty right?"

No, Stan, of course other car companies will work on your Honda for no charge since they'll file it under a competitor's warranty.  Even though they don't have the parts.  And the car is engineered differently.  And the service people aren't trained for it.

4.  I had to leave town to handle a few issues.  The next morning Stan messaged me at work:

Stan: "Did you come home at all last night?"

No, I didn't.  You would know if I did as you would've seen lights (as always) going into the driveway.  And you also would've heard the car horn go off when I locked the car.  But moving on.

Stan: "Yeah, I'll do the dishes that are in the sink tonight."

.....So...he can't do the dishes when I'm gone.  Even when he has a guest.  When I went home, it was the same story; dishes were barely rinsed and the glasses had milk in them still.

5.  Last night, I lost control of my car and wound up stuck in a ditch for an hour.  This morning, Stan knocked on my door.

Stan: "Are you aware that it's 7 am?"
Me: "Yeah.  Not going into work today, need to get my car looked at since I lost control last night and ended up in a ditch for an hour."
Stan: "Yeah, the snow was bad last night.  That's why I called you to say that I was surprised by the sudden snow storm.  I slept upstairs last night where me and Naseem usually sleep since I'm waiting for the line to call me so I can observe a dust blowdown and there's better reception in that room so that when they call me at like 2am, I know when I can go in and see everything.  Anyway, bye."

I like how much compassion he showed to me.  Not even an "are you ok," just "here's what i'm doing and why."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope stan isn't one of those laundry thieves.